With the advent of Industry 4.0, IoT and IIoT, Enutil Energy Inc. has positioned itself in the forefront of developing innovative products and solutions to aid in the transition of digitizing the manufacturing industry. There are key benefits to migrating your legacy PLC, metering and industrial computing systems to web based analytics, monitoring and control. Our engineering team can provide software, hardware and mechanical systems design and are ready to help you transform your operation to the next wave of technological revolution. Custom designed RF, Wifi, BLE, CanBus, ModBus, Satellite and LTE systems can be developed to your specific requirements to streamline integration. Don't hesitate to contact us and find out more on how we can assist you. Send us a message on our Contact page or give us a call.
Water consumption and bulk bills can account for a substantial amount of utility bills. Consider having your building or facility autdited for the installation of water meters and water management systems. Water meter reading, assessment, upgrades and retrofit services are available.
We provide engineering
support for energy
management, solar, utility and
other industry sectors.